Warning! This page is under severe construction. I'm getting it back up after a couple years
of not being really anything!! Keep checking back! Thanks!

General Information
Hi!! You've reached the page where you can learn all about me, Annette!

I graduated from the University of Minnesota-Duluth. I was a student in the School of Business , and I majored in Accounting . I will try to put on my resume soon.

Currently, I am working as a Staff Accountant for a medical billing company in Plymouth, Minnesota. I'm fairly new to the position, 4 months, but I'm enjoying my work and learning lots.

I am anxiously awaiting my CPA exam results which should be here in a week or so! AHH! Wish me luck. I have two parts that I am awaing results on, Business Law and Tax/Managerial Accounting. ACK! I attended Conviser Duffy CPA Review classes to prepare for the exam. They are pretty good, if you like watching video-taped lectures. I wouldn't have known where to begin without a review class, so if you're looking to take the CPA exam, you definitely want to sign up for one. It looks like they and Becker CPA Review have merged, so there's not too many other choices! If you have another course you thought rocked, please send a review of it and I'll post it on this page! Us accountants need all the help we can get!

I have recently moved to Plymouth, Minnesota to be closer to work. Before this, I lived in New Brighton, before that, Duluth (college), and before that, Baudette. I am gradually moving south! My new apartment, roommate, everything is great!! I have a lot to be thankful for.

I love travelling!!! More to come later....

As I previously mentioned, I attended college in Duluth, Minnesota. For those of you that don't know, Duluth is located in Minnesota, and is on the shores of Lake Superior. Lake Superior is ONLY the largest freshwater lake in the entire world. It is the biggest of the Great Lakes. Take a look at this picture of Duluth . Here is a larger picture of it's famous "aerial bridge" . If you think where you live is cold, check out Duluth's weather!

I'm originally from Baudette, Minnesota , a small town in northern Minnesota on the Canadian border. It is the official Walleye Capitol of the World, and home of Lake of the Woods. It is a very touristy place, with most people visiting the area for its excellent fishing and hunting. My family still lives in Baudette, and both of my parents work at North Star Electric .
If you think Duluth is cold, look at Baudette's weather! Also, check out a live image of Lake of the Woods! Exciting!

Hobbies & Pasttimes
I enjoy doing several different things, which I will tell you about later. Don't you just hate "under construction" websites?!
I do like to play tennis , do aerobics , listen to music , go out with my friends, watch movies , talk on the phone, do cross-stitch work, and do all that normal twenty-something stuff!

I love The Learning Channel's "A Wedding Story". It goes through how a couple met and got engaged and their wedding plans and the wedding! I am a romantic, what can I say! My new favorite is "A Dating Story", also on TLC. Another favorite place is to look at all the wedding sites out there on Yahoo! I'm not married or even engaged, but a girl has to dream!

I collect black and white moo cows! I'malways looking for new sites, so let me know if you know of any good ones! Check out Moo Cow Cafeteria , and MooCow.Com . These are GREAT sites!! Believe me, I have cow-everything. From dishes to napkin holders to stuffed animals to towels, I have it all!

Last updated on January 20, 2000.
